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Kimlai Yingling
Nisem si predstavljal, da so njoki tako enostavni za pripravo, lahko so tako okusni in tako zdravi. Očitno nikoli nisem jedel recepta kuharja Fabija.
Popolnost je bila priložnost preživeti popoldne s kuharjem Fabiom v Bettolinovi kuhinji in pripraviti enega od njegovih klasičnih receptov za testenine. Dokaz, da priprava okusnega in lepega obroka ne sme biti težavna.
Ta recept naredi dva dela lepe velikosti. Vsako porcijo prelijte z dodatnim parmezanom in malo listom bazilike.
Sestavine za omako
- 1 dediščina paradižnika
- 1 žlička česna
- 1 unča ekstra deviškega oljčnega olja
- 5 listov bazilike
- 1 ščepec soli
Sestavine za testenine
- 8 unč ruševskega krompirja
- 1 unča parmezanskega sira
- 1 rumenjak
- 2,7 unč Moka za vse namene
- 1 košček soli
V kuhinjo
Nekako sem zamudil prve dve sezoni Top Chefa, potem pa sem postal spreobrnjen. Obožujem Richarda Blaisa, brata Voltaggio, Carlo Hall in nekatere druge, a zelo me je zabaval Fabio Viviani.
Zdaj se zgodi, da sem prvič slišal za Fabija in njegovo restavracijo v Moorparku, ko je William Shatner na eni izmed dobrodelnih konjskih prireditev zapel Fabiovo pohvalo, Cafe Firenze pa je poskrbel za pripravo dogodka (za večerjo nismo imeli vstopnic, na žalost.) Potem je tudi moj frizer, ki živi zunaj v Moorparku, mestu dal rave. To je bil čas, ko se je Fabio pojavil na vrhunskem kuharju.
Ko je bil na Top Chefu, sem slišal, da ni več v restavraciji Moorpark (to se je spremenilo in spet je tam), nato pa sem slišal, da je odprl mesto v Severnem Hollywoodu. V zadnjem času prireja zabave Top Chef v obeh restavracijah (na vzhodni obali krmi v Moorparku in na zahodni obali v severnem Hollywoodu.) Na obeh mestih poučuje tudi kuharske tečaje, čeprav na žalost ne predavanj. Vsaj še ne, vendar obljublja, da bodo prišli.
Fabio je tudi navdušen visokotonec in slučajno ga spremljam (in še veliko drugih kuharjev) na Twitterju in Facebooku. Tako sem ujel napoved, da bo 13. februarja poučeval tečaj testenin in njokov v Firenze Osteria v Severnem Hollywoodu. Razred je bil 40 USD/osebo ali 70 USD na par, zato sem se prijavil za dva in ugotovil, da če Len ne bi mogel ne bi šel z mano, moj sin Michael ali kdo drug bi. Michael je imel srečo, ker je Len v nedeljo začel pouk.
V restavracijo smo prišli približno pol ure pred začetkom, kar je bilo dobro, saj sta bili pred nami le dve osebi in izkazalo se je, da so sedeži prvi prispeli, prvi postregli in bila je kar velika skupina . Ženske so bile približno 10 -krat večji od moških, prišlo pa je ogromno žensk, kar me je pripeljalo do očitnega zaključka, da ima ta slavni kuhar skupine.
Fabio je želel, da bi vsi razumeli, da je priprava testenin LAHKA. Jajce, nekaj soli, nekaj olja in nekaj moke v kuhinjskem predelovalcu-to so testenine. Nekaj pečenega krompirja, jajce, nekaj soli, nekaj muškatnega oreščka, nekaj popra, nekaj moke v mešalniku-to so njoki. Velik poudarek je bil tudi na zdravem razumu-stisnem ali roko merim, ni otroška roka ali roka Andreja velikana, z zloženo brisačo vzamem vroč krompir iz pečice in pusti Ohladite. In tako naprej.
Tako kot večina italijanskih in italijansko-ameriških kuharjev, ki jih poznam, je pri njegovih metodah manj o merjenju in veliko več o okusu in občutku. Za izdelavo testenin Fabio porabi eno jajce na osebo in svetuje delo v serijah največ štirih jajc. ("Ne imejte več kot 4 osebe na večerji!") Torej, za štiri jajca dodajte ščepec soli, malo olivnega olja in približno 2/3-3/4 skodelice univerzalne moke v kuhalniku, dokler nastane krogla. Nato testo malo pregnetemo in ga razrežemo na več kosov, da teče skozi valje stroja za testenine. Zgneteno testo je nekoliko podobno vaši ušesni mečki, ko je pripravljeno za počitek. Odvisno od vrste testenin jih razrežite ročno (po zvijanju listov testa) ali rezite rezance s strojem za testenine.
Zavzema se za uporabo kuhinjskega stroja za ročno mešanje, ker je hitro in enostavno. Priporoča, da se testu omogoči počitek med mešanjem in valjanjem.
Spomnim se, kako sem gledal, kako je babica ročno razvaljala testo za testenine. Naredila je, da je videti tako enostavno, vendar je uporaba aparata za testenine veliko hitrejša in enostavnejša. Ljubim svojega.
Ko je Fabio končal s pripravo testenin, so nam vsem postregli nekaj z mesno omako. Potem je bilo na vrsti njoki.
Grobi recept za njoke, ki je vsakič, ko jih je pripravil na Top Chefu, osvojil navdušene ocene, vključuje peko krompirja, puščanje, da se ohladi, in po olupitvi ga sperite skozi mlinček za meso ali kakšen riž. Ne drobite jih-dajejo napačno konsistenco. Videti je bilo, kot da je uporabil približno 4 skodelice mletega, kuhanega krompirja na 1 jajce, dva ščepca soli, en ščepec popra, približno pol žličke muškatnega oreščka in peščico in pol naribanega parmezana. To smo zmešali z lopatico v mešalniku za kuhinjsko pomoč.
(V mešalniku je bilo veliko oooh in aaahs in številni ljudje so šušljali, kako dragi so. Rekel bom, da je moja pomoč v kuhinji ena najboljših naložb v kuhinjo, ki sem jo kdaj naredil, in tisto, ki sem jo imel pred tem je bila ena v lasti moje matere 30 let. Svoj K5A imam že dvajset let in pričakujem, da ga bom prepustil sinu. Moja sestra je morda še vedno lastnica tiste, ki jo je imela naša babica.)
Po mešanju teh sestavin je Fabio dodal moko, da je dosegel želeno konsistenco. Je mehkejše konsistence kot testo za testenine. Predvidevam, da je dodal približno 1-1/2 do 2 skodelici univerzalne moke, da bi dosegel želeno konsistenco. Nato je vzel limonine ali teniške kepe testa, ga oblikoval v valje debeline približno 3/4 "in dolžine 10" in jih razrezal na približno 3/4 "koščke. Na pultu in na roke, da se stvari ne držijo, ker jim dodajanje preveč moke naredi težke.
Pri kuhanju njokov (in testenin) svetuje, da v lonec dodate olivno olje. Z njoki jih ne mešajte v loncu in ne glede na to, koliko jih je v loncu, jih poberite in jih vse odcedite, ko sta dva ali tri od njih vzrasla v vodi, da plavajo. V nasprotnem primeru bodo njoki z vodo potopili in razpadli.
Njoke moramo poskusiti v omaki marinara. Nebeško.
Fabio je kar nekaj časa porabil za odgovarjanje na vprašanja iz sobe. In potem smo dobili dodatno presenečenje-nagrade za štiri udeležence. Rečeno nam je bilo, da preverimo pod sedeži in to zapis sem našel pod mojim:
V kuhinjo
Nekako sem zamudil prve dve sezoni Top Chefa, potem pa sem postal spreobrnjen. Sem ljubitelj Richarda Blaisa, bratov Voltaggio, Carle Hall in nekaterih drugih, a zelo me je zabaval Fabio Viviani.
Zdaj se zgodi, da sem prvič slišal za Fabija in njegovo restavracijo v Moorparku, ko je William Shatner na eni izmed dobrodelnih konjskih prireditev zapel Fabiovo hvalospev, Cafe Firenze pa je poskrbel za pripravo dogodka (za večerjo nismo imeli vstopnic, na žalost.) Potem je tudi moj frizer, ki živi zunaj v Moorparku, mestu dal rave. To je bil čas, ko se je Fabio pojavil na vrhunskem kuharju.
Ko je bil na Top Chefu, sem slišal, da ga ni več v restavraciji Moorpark (to se je spremenilo in spet je tam), nato pa sem slišal, da je odprl mesto v Severnem Hollywoodu. V zadnjem času prireja zabave Top Chef v obeh restavracijah (na vzhodni obali krmi v Moorparku in na zahodni obali v severnem Hollywoodu.) Na obeh mestih poučuje tudi kuharske tečaje, čeprav na žalost ne predavanj. Vsaj še ne, vendar obljublja, da bodo prišli.
Fabio je tudi navdušen visokotonec in slučajno ga spremljam (in še veliko drugih kuharjev) na Twitterju in Facebooku. Tako sem ujel napoved, da bo 13. februarja poučeval tečaj testenin in njokov v Firenze Osteria v Severnem Hollywoodu. Razred je bil 40 USD/osebo ali 70 USD na par, zato sem se prijavil za dva in ugotovil, da če Len ne bi mogel ne bi šel z mano, moj sin Michael ali kdo drug bi. Michael je imel srečo, ker je Len v nedeljo začel pouk.
V restavracijo smo prišli približno pol ure pred začetkom, kar je bilo dobro, saj sta bili pred nami le dve osebi in izkazalo se je, da so sedeži prvi prispeli, prvi postregli in da je bila kar velika skupina . Ženske so bile približno 10 -krat večji od moških, prišlo pa je ogromno žensk, kar me je pripeljalo do očitnega zaključka, da ima ta slavni kuhar skupine.
Fabio je želel, da bi vsi razumeli, da je priprava testenin LAHKA. Jajce, nekaj soli, nekaj olja in nekaj moke v kuhinjskem predelovalcu-to so testenine. Nekaj pečenega krompirja, jajce, nekaj soli, nekaj muškatnega oreščka, nekaj popra, nekaj moke v mešalniku-to so njoki. Velik poudarek je bil tudi na zdravem razumu-stisnem ali roko kakšne meritve ni otroška roka ali roka Andreja velikana, z zloženo brisačo vzamem vroč krompir iz pečice in pusti Ohladite. In tako naprej.
Tako kot večina italijanskih in italijansko-ameriških kuharjev, ki jih poznam, je v njegovih metodah manj merjenja in veliko več okusa in občutka. Za izdelavo testenin Fabio porabi eno jajce na osebo in svetuje delo v serijah največ štirih jajc. ("Naj na večerjo ne bodo več kot 4 osebe!") Torej, za štiri jajca dodajte ščepec soli, malo olivnega olja in približno 2/3-3/4 skodelice univerzalne moke v kuhalniku, dokler nastane krogla. Nato testo malo pregnetemo in ga razrežemo na več kosov, da teče skozi valje stroja za testenine. Zgneteno testo je nekoliko podobno vaši ušesni mečki, ko je pripravljeno za počitek. Odvisno od vrste testenin jih razrežite ročno (po zvijanju listov testa) ali rezite rezance s strojem za testenine.
Zavzema se za uporabo kuhinjskega stroja za ročno mešanje, ker je hitro in enostavno. Priporoča, da se testu omogoči počitek med mešanjem in valjanjem.
Spomnim se, kako sem gledal, kako je babica ročno razvaljala testo za testenine. Naredila je tako preprosto, vendar je uporaba aparata za testenine veliko hitrejša in enostavnejša. Ljubim svojega.
Ko je Fabio končal s pripravo testenin, so nam vsem postregli nekaj z mesno omako. Potem je bilo na vrsti njoki.
Grobi recept za njoke, ki je vsakič, ko jih je pripravil na Top Chefu, osvojil navdušene kritike, vključuje peko krompirja, puščanje, da se ohladi, in po olupitvi ga sperite skozi mlinček za meso ali kakšen riž. Ne drobite jih-dajejo napačno konsistenco. Videti je bilo, kot da je uporabil približno 4 skodelice mletega, kuhanega krompirja na 1 jajce, dva ščepca soli, en ščepec popra, približno pol žličke muškatnega oreščka in peščico in pol naribanega parmezana. To smo zmešali z lopatico v mešalniku za kuhinjsko pomoč.
(V mešalniku je bilo veliko oooh in aaahs in številni ljudje so šušljali, kako dragi so. Rekel bom, da je moja pomoč v kuhinji ena najboljših naložb v kuhinjo, ki sem jo kdaj naredil, in tisto, ki sem jo imel pred tem je bila ena v lasti moje matere 30 let. Svoj K5A imam že dvajset let in pričakujem, da ga bom prepustil sinu. Moja sestra je morda še vedno lastnica tiste, ki jo je imela naša babica.)
Po mešanju teh sestavin je Fabio dodal moko, da je dosegel želeno konsistenco. Je mehkejše konsistence kot testo za testenine. Predvidevam, da je dodal približno 1-1/2 do 2 skodelici univerzalne moke, da bi dosegel želeno konsistenco. Nato je vzel limonine ali teniške kepe testa, jih oblikoval v valje debeline približno 3/4 "in dolžine 10" in jih razrezal na približno 3/4 "koščke. Na pultu in na roke, da se stvari ne držijo, ker jim dodajanje preveč moke v njoke oteži.
Pri kuhanju njokov (in testenin) svetuje, da v lonec dodate olivno olje. Z njoki jih ne mešajte v loncu in ne glede na to, koliko jih je v loncu, jih poberite in jih vse odcedite, ko sta dva ali tri od njih vzrasla v vodi, da plavajo. V nasprotnem primeru bodo njoki z vodo potopili in razpadli.
Njoke moramo poskusiti v omaki marinara. Nebeško.
Fabio je kar nekaj časa porabil za odgovarjanje na vprašanja iz sobe. In potem smo dobili dodatno presenečenje-nagrade za štiri udeležence. Rečeno nam je bilo, da preverimo pod sedeži in tole opombo sem našel pod svojimi:
V kuhinjo
Nekako sem zamudil prve dve sezoni Top Chefa, potem pa sem postal spreobrnjen. Sem ljubitelj Richarda Blaisa, bratov Voltaggio, Carle Hall in nekaterih drugih, a zelo me je zabaval Fabio Viviani.
Zdaj se zgodi, da sem prvič slišal za Fabija in njegovo restavracijo v Moorparku, ko je William Shatner na eni izmed dobrodelnih konjskih prireditev zapel Fabiovo pohvalo, Cafe Firenze pa je poskrbel za pripravo dogodka (za večerjo nismo imeli vstopnic, na žalost.) Potem je tudi moj frizer, ki živi zunaj v Moorparku, mestu dal rave. To je bil čas, ko se je Fabio pojavil na vrhunskem kuharju.
Ko je bil na Top Chefu, sem slišal, da ga ni več v restavraciji Moorpark (to se je spremenilo in spet je tam), nato pa sem slišal, da je odprl mesto v Severnem Hollywoodu. V zadnjem času prireja zabave Top Chef v obeh restavracijah (na vzhodni obali krmi v Moorparku in na zahodni obali v severnem Hollywoodu.) Na obeh mestih poučuje tudi kuharske tečaje, čeprav na žalost ne predavanj. Vsaj še ne, vendar obljublja, da bodo prišli.
Fabio je tudi navdušen visokotonec in slučajno ga spremljam (in še veliko drugih kuharjev) na Twitterju in Facebooku. Tako sem ujel napoved, da bo 13. februarja poučeval tečaj testenin in njokov v Firenze Osteria v Severnem Hollywoodu. Razred je znašal 40 USD/osebo ali 70 USD na par, zato sem se prijavil za dva in ugotovil, da če Len ne bi mogel ne bi šel z mano, moj sin Michael ali kdo drug bi. Michael je imel srečo, ker je Len v nedeljo začel pouk.
V restavracijo smo prišli približno pol ure pred začetkom, kar je bilo dobro, saj sta bili pred nami le dve osebi in izkazalo se je, da so sedeži prvi prispeli, prvi postregli in bila je kar velika skupina . Ženske so bile približno 10 -krat večji od moških, prišlo pa je ogromno žensk, kar me je pripeljalo do očitnega zaključka, da ima ta slavni kuhar skupine.
Fabio je želel, da bi vsi razumeli, da je priprava testenin LAHKA. Jajce, nekaj soli, nekaj olja in nekaj moke v kuhinjskem predelovalcu-to so testenine. Nekaj pečenega krompirja, jajce, nekaj soli, nekaj muškatnega oreščka, nekaj popra, nekaj moke v mešalniku-to so njoki. Velik poudarek je bil tudi na zdravem razumu-stisnem ali roko merim, ni otroška roka ali roka Andreja velikana, z zloženo brisačo vzamem vroč krompir iz pečice in pusti Ohladite. In tako naprej.
Tako kot večina italijanskih in italijansko-ameriških kuharjev, ki jih poznam, je v njegovih metodah manj merjenja in veliko več okusa in občutka. Za izdelavo testenin Fabio porabi eno jajce na osebo in svetuje delo v serijah največ štirih jajc. ("Ne imejte več kot 4 osebe na večerji!") Torej, za štiri jajca dodajte ščepec soli, malo olivnega olja in približno 2/3-3/4 skodelice univerzalne moke v kuhalniku, dokler nastane krogla. Nato testo malo pregnetemo in ga razrežemo na več kosov, da teče skozi valje stroja za testenine. Zgneteno testo je nekoliko podobno vaši ušesni mečki, ko je pripravljeno za počitek. Odvisno od vrste testenin jih razrežite ročno (po zvijanju listov testa) ali rezite rezance s strojem za testenine.
Zavzema se za uporabo kuhinjskega stroja za ročno mešanje, ker je hitro in enostavno. Priporoča, da se testu omogoči počitek med mešanjem in valjanjem.
Spomnim se, kako sem gledal, kako je babica ročno razvaljala testo za testenine. Naredila je tako preprosto, vendar je uporaba aparata za testenine veliko hitrejša in enostavnejša. Ljubim svojega.
Ko je Fabio končal s pripravo testenin, so nam vsem postregli nekaj z mesno omako. Potem je bilo na vrsti njoki.
Grobi recept za njoke, ki je vsakič, ko jih je pripravil na Top Chefu, osvojil navdušene ocene, vključuje peko krompirja, puščanje, da se ohladi, in po olupitvi ga sperite skozi mlinček za meso ali kakšen riž. Ne drobite jih-dajejo napačno konsistenco. Videti je bilo, kot da je uporabil približno 4 skodelice mletega, kuhanega krompirja na 1 jajce, dva ščepca soli, en ščepec popra, približno pol žličke muškatnega oreščka in peščico in pol naribanega parmezana. To smo zmešali z lopatico v mešalniku za kuhinjsko pomoč.
(V mešalniku je bilo veliko oooh in aaahs in številni ljudje so šušljali, kako dragi so. Rekel bom, da je moja pomoč v kuhinji ena najboljših naložb v kuhinjo, ki sem jo kdaj naredil, in tisto, ki sem jo imel pred tem je bila ena v lasti moje matere 30 let. Svoj K5A imam že dvajset let in pričakujem, da ga bom prepustil sinu. Moja sestra je morda še vedno lastnica tiste, ki jo je imela naša babica.)
Po mešanju teh sestavin je Fabio dodal moko, da je dosegel želeno konsistenco. Je mehkejše konsistence kot testo za testenine. Predvidevam, da je dodal približno 1-1/2 do 2 skodelici univerzalne moke, da bi dosegel želeno konsistenco. Nato je vzel limonine ali teniške kepe testa, ga oblikoval v valje debeline približno 3/4 "in dolžine 10" in jih razrezal na približno 3/4 "koščke. Na pultu in na roke, da se stvari ne držijo, ker jim dodajanje preveč moke naredi težke.
Pri kuhanju njokov (in testenin) svetuje, da v lonec dodate olivno olje. Z njoki jih ne mešajte v loncu in ne glede na to, koliko jih je v loncu, jih poberite in jih vse odcedite, ko sta dva ali tri od njih vzrasla v vodi, da plavajo. V nasprotnem primeru bodo njoki z vodo potopili in razpadli.
Njoke moramo poskusiti v omaki marinara. Nebeško.
Fabio je kar nekaj časa porabil za odgovarjanje na vprašanja iz sobe. In potem smo dobili dodatno presenečenje-nagrade za štiri udeležence. Rečeno nam je bilo, da preverimo pod sedeži in tole opombo sem našel pod svojimi:
V kuhinjo
Nekako sem zamudil prve dve sezoni Top Chefa, potem pa sem postal spreobrnjen. Obožujem Richarda Blaisa, brata Voltaggio, Carlo Hall in nekatere druge, a zelo me je zabaval Fabio Viviani.
Zdaj se zgodi, da sem prvič slišal za Fabija in njegovo restavracijo v Moorparku, ko je William Shatner na eni izmed dobrodelnih konjskih prireditev zapel Fabiovo hvalospev, Cafe Firenze pa je poskrbel za pripravo dogodka (za večerjo nismo imeli vstopnic, na žalost.) Potem je tudi moj frizer, ki živi zunaj v Moorparku, mestu dal rave. To je bil čas, ko se je Fabio pojavil na vrhunskem kuharju.
Ko je bil na Top Chefu, sem slišal, da ni več v restavraciji Moorpark (to se je spremenilo in spet je tam), nato pa sem slišal, da je odprl mesto v Severnem Hollywoodu. V zadnjem času gosti zabave Top Chef v obeh restavracijah (na vzhodni obali krmi v Moorparku in na zahodni obali v severnem Hollywoodu.) Prav tako poučuje kuharske tečaje na obeh mestih, čeprav žal ne na praktičnih tečajih. Vsaj še ne, vendar obljublja, da bodo prišli.
Fabio je tudi navdušen visokotonec in slučajno ga spremljam (in še veliko drugih kuharjev) na Twitterju in Facebooku. Tako sem ujel napoved, da bo 13. februarja poučeval tečaj testenin in njokov v Firenze Osteria v Severnem Hollywoodu. Razred je bil 40 USD/osebo ali 70 USD na par, zato sem se prijavil za dva in ugotovil, da če Len ne bi mogel ne bi šel z mano, moj sin Michael ali kdo drug bi. Michael je imel srečo, ker je Len v nedeljo začel pouk.
V restavracijo smo prišli približno pol ure pred začetkom, kar je bilo dobro, saj sta bili pred nami le dve osebi in izkazalo se je, da so sedeži prvi prispeli, prvi postregli in da je bila kar velika skupina . Ženske so bile približno 10 -krat večji od moških, prišlo pa je ogromno žensk, kar me je pripeljalo do očitnega zaključka, da ima ta slavni kuhar skupine.
Fabio je želel, da bi vsi razumeli, da je priprava testenin LAHKA. Jajce, nekaj soli, nekaj olja in nekaj moke v kuhinjskem predelovalcu-to so testenine. Nekaj pečenega krompirja, jajce, nekaj soli, nekaj muškatnega oreščka, nekaj popra, nekaj moke v mešalniku-to so njoki. Velik poudarek je bil tudi na zdravem razumu-stisnem ali roko merim, ni otroška roka ali roka Andreja velikana, z zloženo brisačo vzamem vroč krompir iz pečice in pusti Ohladite. In tako naprej.
Tako kot večina italijanskih in italijansko-ameriških kuharjev, ki jih poznam, je v njegovih metodah manj merjenja in veliko več okusa in občutka. Za izdelavo testenin Fabio porabi eno jajce na osebo in svetuje delo v serijah največ štirih jajc. ("Naj na večerjo ne bodo več kot 4 osebe!") Torej, za štiri jajca dodajte ščepec soli, malo olivnega olja in približno 2/3-3/4 skodelice univerzalne moke v kuhalniku, dokler nastane krogla. Nato testo malo pregnetemo in ga razrežemo na več kosov, da teče skozi valje stroja za testenine. Zgneteno testo je nekoliko podobno vaši ušesni mečki, ko je pripravljeno za počitek. Odvisno od vrste testenin jih razrežite ročno (po zvijanju listov testa) ali rezite rezance s strojem za testenine.
Zavzema se za uporabo kuhinjskega stroja za ročno mešanje, ker je hitro in enostavno. Priporoča, da se testu omogoči počitek med mešanjem in valjanjem.
Spomnim se, kako sem gledal, kako je babica ročno razvaljala testo za testenine. Naredila je tako preprosto, vendar je uporaba aparata za testenine veliko hitrejša in enostavnejša. Ljubim svojega.
Ko je Fabio končal s pripravo testenin, so nam vsem postregli nekaj z mesno omako. Potem je bilo na vrsti njoki.
Grobi recept za njoke, ki je vsakič, ko jih je pripravil na Top Chefu, osvojil navdušene kritike, vključuje peko krompirja, puščanje, da se ohladi, in po olupitvi ga sperite skozi mlinček za meso ali kakšen riž. Ne drobite jih-dajejo napačno konsistenco. Videti je bilo, kot da je uporabil približno 4 skodelice mletega, kuhanega krompirja na 1 jajce, dva ščepca soli, en ščepec popra, približno pol žličke muškatnega oreščka in peščico in pol naribanega parmezana. To smo zmešali z lopatico v mešalniku za kuhinjsko pomoč.
(V mešalniku je bilo veliko oooh in aaahs in številni ljudje so šušljali, kako dragi so. Rekel bom, da je moja pomoč v kuhinji ena najboljših naložb v kuhinjo, ki sem jo kdaj naredil, in tisto, ki sem jo imel pred tem je bila moja 30 let v lasti moje matere. Svoj K5A imam že dvajset let in pričakujem, da ga bom prepustil sinu. Moja sestra bo morda še vedno lastnica tiste, ki jo je imela naša babica.)
Po mešanju teh sestavin je Fabio dodal moko, da je dosegel želeno konsistenco. Je mehkejše konsistence kot testo za testenine. Predvidevam, da je dodal približno 1-1/2 do 2 skodelici univerzalne moke, da bi dosegel želeno konsistenco. Nato je vzel limonine ali teniške kepe testa, ga oblikoval v valje debeline približno 3/4 "in dolžine 10" in jih razrezal na približno 3/4 "koščke. Na pultu in na roke, da se stvari ne držijo, ker jim dodajanje preveč moke v njoke oteži.
Pri kuhanju njokov (in testenin) svetuje, da v lonec dodate olivno olje. Z njoki jih ne mešajte v loncu in ne glede na to, koliko jih je v loncu, jih poberite in jih vse odcedite, ko sta dva ali tri od njih vzrasla v vodi, da plavajo. V nasprotnem primeru bodo njoki z vodo potopili in razpadli.
Njoke moramo poskusiti v omaki marinara. Nebeško.
Fabio je kar nekaj časa porabil za odgovarjanje na vprašanja iz sobe. In potem smo dobili še dodatno presenečenje-nagrade za štiri udeležence. Rečeno nam je bilo, da preverimo pod sedeži in tole opombo sem našel pod svojimi:
V kuhinjo
Nekako sem zamudil prve dve sezoni Top Chefa, potem pa sem postal spreobrnjen. Obožujem Richarda Blaisa, brata Voltaggio, Carlo Hall in nekatere druge, a zelo me je zabaval Fabio Viviani.
Zdaj se zgodi, da sem prvič slišal za Fabija in njegovo restavracijo v Moorparku, ko je William Shatner na eni izmed dobrodelnih konjskih prireditev zapel Fabiovo pohvalo, Cafe Firenze pa je poskrbel za pripravo dogodka (za večerjo nismo imeli vstopnic, na žalost.) Potem je tudi moj frizer, ki živi zunaj v Moorparku, mestu dal rave. To je bil čas, ko se je Fabio pojavil na vrhunskem kuharju.
Ko je bil na Top Chefu, sem slišal, da ni več v restavraciji Moorpark (to se je spremenilo in spet je tam), nato pa sem slišal, da je odprl mesto v Severnem Hollywoodu. V zadnjem času prireja zabave Top Chef v obeh restavracijah (na vzhodni obali krmi v Moorparku in na zahodni obali v severnem Hollywoodu.) Na obeh mestih poučuje tudi kuharske tečaje, čeprav na žalost ne predavanj. Vsaj še ne, vendar obljublja, da bodo prišli.
Fabio je tudi navdušen visokotonec in slučajno ga spremljam (in še veliko drugih kuharjev) na Twitterju in Facebooku. Tako sem ujel napoved, da bo 13. februarja poučeval tečaj testenin in njokov v Firenze Osteria v Severnem Hollywoodu. Razred je bil 40 USD/osebo ali 70 USD na par, zato sem se prijavil za dva in ugotovil, da če Len ne bi mogel ne bi šel z mano, moj sin Michael ali kdo drug bi. Michael je imel srečo, ker je Len v nedeljo začel pouk.
V restavracijo smo prišli približno pol ure pred začetkom, kar je bilo dobro, saj sta bili pred nami le dve osebi in izkazalo se je, da so sedeži prvi prispeli, prvi postregli in bila je kar velika skupina . Ženske so bile približno 10 -krat večji od moških, prišlo pa je ogromno žensk, kar me je pripeljalo do očitnega zaključka, da ima ta slavni kuhar skupine.
Fabio je želel, da bi vsi razumeli, da je priprava testenin LAHKA. Jajce, nekaj soli, nekaj olja in nekaj moke v kuhinjskem predelovalcu-to so testenine. Nekaj pečenega krompirja, jajce, nekaj soli, nekaj muškatnega oreščka, nekaj popra, nekaj moke v mešalniku-to so njoki. Velik poudarek je bil tudi na zdravi pameti-ščepcem ali roko neke mere ne gre za otroško roko ali roko Andreja velikana, z zloženo brisačo vzemite vroč krompir iz pečice in pustite, da Ohladite. In tako naprej.
Tako kot večina italijanskih in italijansko-ameriških kuharjev, ki jih poznam, je v njegovih metodah manj merjenja in veliko več okusa in občutka. Za izdelavo testenin Fabio porabi eno jajce na osebo in svetuje delo v serijah največ štirih jajc. ("Naj na večerjo ne bodo več kot 4 osebe!") Torej, za štiri jajca dodajte ščepec soli, malo olivnega olja in približno 2/3-3/4 skodelice univerzalne moke v kuhalniku, dokler nastane krogla. Nato testo malo pregnetemo in ga razrežemo na več kosov, da teče skozi valje stroja za testenine. Zgneteno testo je nekoliko podobno vaši ušesni mečki, ko je pripravljeno za počitek. Odvisno od vrste testenin jih razrežite ročno (po zvijanju listov testa) ali rezite rezance s strojem za testenine.
Zavzema se za uporabo kuhinjskega stroja za ročno mešanje, ker je hitro in enostavno. Priporoča, da se testu omogoči počitek med mešanjem in valjanjem.
Spomnim se, kako sem gledal, kako je babica ročno razvaljala testo za testenine. Naredila je tako preprosto, vendar je uporaba aparata za testenine veliko hitrejša in enostavnejša. Ljubim svojega.
Ko je Fabio končal s pripravo testenin, so nam vsem postregli nekaj z mesno omako. Potem je bilo na vrsti njoki.
Grobi recept za njoke, ki je vsakič, ko jih je pripravil na Top Chefu, osvojil navdušene kritike, vključuje peko krompirja, puščanje, da se ohladi, in po olupitvi ga sperite skozi mlinček za meso ali kakšen riž. Ne drobite jih-dajejo napačno konsistenco. Videti je bilo, kot da je uporabil približno 4 skodelice mletega, kuhanega krompirja na 1 jajce, dva ščepca soli, en ščepec popra, približno pol žličke muškatnega oreščka in peščico in pol naribanega parmezana. To smo zmešali z lopatico v mešalniku za kuhinjsko pomoč.
(V mešalniku je bilo veliko oooh in aaahs in številni ljudje so šušljali, kako dragi so. Rekel bom, da je moja pomoč v kuhinji ena najboljših naložb v kuhinjo, ki sem jo kdaj naredil, in tisto, ki sem jo imel pred tem je bila ena v lasti moje matere 30 let. Svoj K5A imam že dvajset let in pričakujem, da ga bom prepustil sinu. Moja sestra je morda še vedno lastnica tiste, ki jo je imela naša babica.)
Po mešanju teh sestavin je Fabio dodal moko, da je dosegel želeno konsistenco. Je mehkejše konsistence kot testo za testenine. Predvidevam, da je dodal približno 1-1/2 do 2 skodelici univerzalne moke, da bi dosegel želeno konsistenco. Nato je vzel limonine ali teniške kepe testa, ga oblikoval v valje debeline približno 3/4 "in dolžine 10" in jih razrezal na približno 3/4 "koščke. Na pultu in na roke, da se stvari ne držijo, ker jim dodajanje preveč moke v njoke oteži.
Pri kuhanju njokov (in testenin) svetuje, da v lonec dodate olivno olje. Z njoki jih ne mešajte v loncu in ne glede na to, koliko jih je v loncu, jih poberite in jih vse odcedite, ko sta dva ali tri od njih vzrasla v vodi, da odplavajo. V nasprotnem primeru bodo njoki z vodo potopili in razpadli.
Njoke moramo poskusiti v omaki marinara. Nebeško.
Fabio je kar nekaj časa porabil za odgovarjanje na vprašanja iz sobe. In potem smo dobili dodatno presenečenje-nagrade za štiri udeležence. Rečeno nam je bilo, da preverimo pod sedeži in to zapis sem našel pod mojim:
V kuhinjo
Nekako sem zamudil prve dve sezoni Top Chefa, potem pa sem postal spreobrnjen. Obožujem Richarda Blaisa, brata Voltaggio, Carlo Hall in nekatere druge, a zelo me je zabaval Fabio Viviani.
Zdaj se je zgodilo, da sem prvič slišal za Fabija in njegovo restavracijo v Moorparku, ko je William Shatner na eni izmed dobrodelnih konjskih prireditev zapel Fabiovo pohvalo, Cafe Firenze pa je poskrbel za pripravo dogodka (za večerjo nismo imeli vstopnic, na žalost.) Potem je tudi moj frizer, ki živi zunaj v Moorparku, mestu dal rave. To je bil čas, ko se je Fabio pojavil na vrhunskem kuharju.
Ko je bil na Top Chefu, sem slišal, da ni več v restavraciji Moorpark (to se je spremenilo in spet je tam), nato pa sem slišal, da je odprl mesto v Severnem Hollywoodu. Lately, he's been hosting Top Chef viewing parties at both restaurants (doing the east coast feed in Moorpark and the west coast feed in North Hollywood.) He's also teaching cooking classes at both places, though, sadly, not hands-on classes. At least, not yet, but he promises they are forthcoming.
Fabio is also an avid tweeter, and I happen to follow him (and a lot of other chefs) on Twitter and Facebook. So I caught the announcement that he would be teaching a pasta and gnocchi class at Firenze Osteria in North Hollywood on February 13. The class was $40/per person or $70 per couple, so I signed up for two, figuring that if Len couldn't go with me, my son Michael or someone else would. Michael lucked out because Len started a class on Sunday.
We got to the restaurant about half an hour ahead of start time, which was good, because there were only two people ahead of us in line and it turned out that seating was first-come, first served, and it was a fairly large group. Women outnumbered men by a factor of about 10 to 1, and there was a huge group of women who all came together, leading me to the obvious conclusion that this celebrity chef has groupies.
Fabio wanted everyone to understand that making pasta is EASY. A egg, some salt, some oil, and some flour in a food processor--that's pasta. Some baked potatoes, an egg, some salt, some nutmeg, some pepper, some flour in a mixer--that's gnocchi. There was also a big emphasis on common sense--I pinch or a hand of some measurement isn't a child's hand or that of Andre the Giant, use a folded towel to take a hot potato out of the oven and the n let it cool off. In tako naprej.
Like most of the Italian and Italian-American cooks I have known, there's less about measuring and much more about taste and feel in his methods. To make pasta, Fabio uses one egg per person and he advises working in batches of no more than four eggs. ("Don't have more than 4 people to dinner!") So for four eggs, add a pinch of salt, a little olive oil, and about 2/3-3/4 cups of all purpose flour in the food processor until a ball is formed. Then knead the dough a little and cut it into several pieces to run through the rollers of a pasta machine. The kneaded dough feels a bit like your earlobe when it is ready to rest. Depending on the type of pasta, either cut it by hand (after rolling up the sheets of dough) or use a pasta machine to cut the noodles.
He advocates the use of the food processor over the hand-mixing method because it is quick and easy. He does recommend giving the dough an opportunity to rest between mixing and rolling.
I remember watching my grandmother rolling out her pasta dough by hand. She made it look so easy, but it is so much faster and easier to use a pasta machine. I love mine.
After Fabio finished making the pasta, we were all served some with a meat sauce. Then it was on to gnocchi.
The rough recipe for gnocchi, which won rave reviews every time he made them on Top Chef, involves baking potatoes, letting them cool, and running them through a meat grinder or a ricer after peeling them. Do not mash them--it give the wrong consistency. It looked like he used about 4 cups of ground, cooked potatoes to 1 egg, two pinches of salt, one pinch of pepper, about a half-teaspoon of nutmeg, and a handful and a half of grated Parmesan. This was mixed with a paddle in a Kitchen-aid mixer.
(There were lots of ooohs and aaahs over the mixer and a number of people were whispering about how expensive they are. I will say that my Kitchen-aid is one of the best investments in the kitchen I ever made, and the one I had before that was one my mother owned for 30 years. I've had my K5A for twenty years now and I expect to leave it to my son. My sister may still own the one our grandmother had.)
After mixing those ingredients together, Fabio added flour to reach the consistency he wanted. It is a softer consistency than the pasta dough. I would guess that he added around 1-1/2 to 2 cups of all purpose flour to get the consistency he wanted. After that, he took lemon or tennis ball lumps of the dough, shaped it into cylinders of about 3/4" thick and 10" long and cut them into approximately 3/4" pieces. He used very little flour on the counter and on his hands to keep things from sticking because adding too much flour to the gnocchi makes them heavy.
When cooking the gnocchi (and the pasta) he advises adding olive oil to the pot. With the gnocchi, don't stir them in the pot and, no matter how many are in the pot, scoop them out and drain them all when two or three of them have risen in the water to float. To do otherwise will water-log the gnocchi and make them fall apart.
We got to sample the gnocchi in a marinara sauce. Heavenly.
Fabio spent quite a bit of time answering questions from the room. And then we got an added surprise--door prizes for four of the attendees. We were told to check under our seats and this note is what I found under mine:
Into the Kitchen
Somehow, I missed out on the first two seasons of Top Chef, but then I became a convert. I'm a fan of the Richard Blais, the Voltaggio brothers, Carla Hall, and some of the others, but I was greatly entertained by Fabio Viviani.
Now it happens, that the first time I heard of Fabio and his restaurant out in Moorpark was when William Shatner sang Fabio's praises at one of his charity horse shows and Cafe Firenze provided catering for the event (we didn't have tickets to dinner, sadly.) Then my hairdresser, who lives out in Moorpark, also gave the place a rave. That was about the time Fabio showed up on Top Chef.
After he was on Top Chef, I heard he wasn't at the Moorpark restaurant any longer (that's changed and he is back there) and then I heard he had opened a place in North Hollywood. Lately, he's been hosting Top Chef viewing parties at both restaurants (doing the east coast feed in Moorpark and the west coast feed in North Hollywood.) He's also teaching cooking classes at both places, though, sadly, not hands-on classes. At least, not yet, but he promises they are forthcoming.
Fabio is also an avid tweeter, and I happen to follow him (and a lot of other chefs) on Twitter and Facebook. So I caught the announcement that he would be teaching a pasta and gnocchi class at Firenze Osteria in North Hollywood on February 13. The class was $40/per person or $70 per couple, so I signed up for two, figuring that if Len couldn't go with me, my son Michael or someone else would. Michael lucked out because Len started a class on Sunday.
We got to the restaurant about half an hour ahead of start time, which was good, because there were only two people ahead of us in line and it turned out that seating was first-come, first served, and it was a fairly large group. Women outnumbered men by a factor of about 10 to 1, and there was a huge group of women who all came together, leading me to the obvious conclusion that this celebrity chef has groupies.
Fabio wanted everyone to understand that making pasta is EASY. A egg, some salt, some oil, and some flour in a food processor--that's pasta. Some baked potatoes, an egg, some salt, some nutmeg, some pepper, some flour in a mixer--that's gnocchi. There was also a big emphasis on common sense--I pinch or a hand of some measurement isn't a child's hand or that of Andre the Giant, use a folded towel to take a hot potato out of the oven and the n let it cool off. In tako naprej.
Like most of the Italian and Italian-American cooks I have known, there's less about measuring and much more about taste and feel in his methods. To make pasta, Fabio uses one egg per person and he advises working in batches of no more than four eggs. ("Don't have more than 4 people to dinner!") So for four eggs, add a pinch of salt, a little olive oil, and about 2/3-3/4 cups of all purpose flour in the food processor until a ball is formed. Then knead the dough a little and cut it into several pieces to run through the rollers of a pasta machine. The kneaded dough feels a bit like your earlobe when it is ready to rest. Depending on the type of pasta, either cut it by hand (after rolling up the sheets of dough) or use a pasta machine to cut the noodles.
He advocates the use of the food processor over the hand-mixing method because it is quick and easy. He does recommend giving the dough an opportunity to rest between mixing and rolling.
I remember watching my grandmother rolling out her pasta dough by hand. She made it look so easy, but it is so much faster and easier to use a pasta machine. I love mine.
After Fabio finished making the pasta, we were all served some with a meat sauce. Then it was on to gnocchi.
The rough recipe for gnocchi, which won rave reviews every time he made them on Top Chef, involves baking potatoes, letting them cool, and running them through a meat grinder or a ricer after peeling them. Do not mash them--it give the wrong consistency. It looked like he used about 4 cups of ground, cooked potatoes to 1 egg, two pinches of salt, one pinch of pepper, about a half-teaspoon of nutmeg, and a handful and a half of grated Parmesan. This was mixed with a paddle in a Kitchen-aid mixer.
(There were lots of ooohs and aaahs over the mixer and a number of people were whispering about how expensive they are. I will say that my Kitchen-aid is one of the best investments in the kitchen I ever made, and the one I had before that was one my mother owned for 30 years. I've had my K5A for twenty years now and I expect to leave it to my son. My sister may still own the one our grandmother had.)
After mixing those ingredients together, Fabio added flour to reach the consistency he wanted. It is a softer consistency than the pasta dough. I would guess that he added around 1-1/2 to 2 cups of all purpose flour to get the consistency he wanted. After that, he took lemon or tennis ball lumps of the dough, shaped it into cylinders of about 3/4" thick and 10" long and cut them into approximately 3/4" pieces. He used very little flour on the counter and on his hands to keep things from sticking because adding too much flour to the gnocchi makes them heavy.
When cooking the gnocchi (and the pasta) he advises adding olive oil to the pot. With the gnocchi, don't stir them in the pot and, no matter how many are in the pot, scoop them out and drain them all when two or three of them have risen in the water to float. To do otherwise will water-log the gnocchi and make them fall apart.
We got to sample the gnocchi in a marinara sauce. Heavenly.
Fabio spent quite a bit of time answering questions from the room. And then we got an added surprise--door prizes for four of the attendees. We were told to check under our seats and this note is what I found under mine:
Into the Kitchen
Somehow, I missed out on the first two seasons of Top Chef, but then I became a convert. I'm a fan of the Richard Blais, the Voltaggio brothers, Carla Hall, and some of the others, but I was greatly entertained by Fabio Viviani.
Now it happens, that the first time I heard of Fabio and his restaurant out in Moorpark was when William Shatner sang Fabio's praises at one of his charity horse shows and Cafe Firenze provided catering for the event (we didn't have tickets to dinner, sadly.) Then my hairdresser, who lives out in Moorpark, also gave the place a rave. That was about the time Fabio showed up on Top Chef.
After he was on Top Chef, I heard he wasn't at the Moorpark restaurant any longer (that's changed and he is back there) and then I heard he had opened a place in North Hollywood. Lately, he's been hosting Top Chef viewing parties at both restaurants (doing the east coast feed in Moorpark and the west coast feed in North Hollywood.) He's also teaching cooking classes at both places, though, sadly, not hands-on classes. At least, not yet, but he promises they are forthcoming.
Fabio is also an avid tweeter, and I happen to follow him (and a lot of other chefs) on Twitter and Facebook. So I caught the announcement that he would be teaching a pasta and gnocchi class at Firenze Osteria in North Hollywood on February 13. The class was $40/per person or $70 per couple, so I signed up for two, figuring that if Len couldn't go with me, my son Michael or someone else would. Michael lucked out because Len started a class on Sunday.
We got to the restaurant about half an hour ahead of start time, which was good, because there were only two people ahead of us in line and it turned out that seating was first-come, first served, and it was a fairly large group. Women outnumbered men by a factor of about 10 to 1, and there was a huge group of women who all came together, leading me to the obvious conclusion that this celebrity chef has groupies.
Fabio wanted everyone to understand that making pasta is EASY. A egg, some salt, some oil, and some flour in a food processor--that's pasta. Some baked potatoes, an egg, some salt, some nutmeg, some pepper, some flour in a mixer--that's gnocchi. There was also a big emphasis on common sense--I pinch or a hand of some measurement isn't a child's hand or that of Andre the Giant, use a folded towel to take a hot potato out of the oven and the n let it cool off. In tako naprej.
Like most of the Italian and Italian-American cooks I have known, there's less about measuring and much more about taste and feel in his methods. To make pasta, Fabio uses one egg per person and he advises working in batches of no more than four eggs. ("Don't have more than 4 people to dinner!") So for four eggs, add a pinch of salt, a little olive oil, and about 2/3-3/4 cups of all purpose flour in the food processor until a ball is formed. Then knead the dough a little and cut it into several pieces to run through the rollers of a pasta machine. The kneaded dough feels a bit like your earlobe when it is ready to rest. Depending on the type of pasta, either cut it by hand (after rolling up the sheets of dough) or use a pasta machine to cut the noodles.
He advocates the use of the food processor over the hand-mixing method because it is quick and easy. He does recommend giving the dough an opportunity to rest between mixing and rolling.
I remember watching my grandmother rolling out her pasta dough by hand. She made it look so easy, but it is so much faster and easier to use a pasta machine. I love mine.
After Fabio finished making the pasta, we were all served some with a meat sauce. Then it was on to gnocchi.
The rough recipe for gnocchi, which won rave reviews every time he made them on Top Chef, involves baking potatoes, letting them cool, and running them through a meat grinder or a ricer after peeling them. Do not mash them--it give the wrong consistency. It looked like he used about 4 cups of ground, cooked potatoes to 1 egg, two pinches of salt, one pinch of pepper, about a half-teaspoon of nutmeg, and a handful and a half of grated Parmesan. This was mixed with a paddle in a Kitchen-aid mixer.
(There were lots of ooohs and aaahs over the mixer and a number of people were whispering about how expensive they are. I will say that my Kitchen-aid is one of the best investments in the kitchen I ever made, and the one I had before that was one my mother owned for 30 years. I've had my K5A for twenty years now and I expect to leave it to my son. My sister may still own the one our grandmother had.)
After mixing those ingredients together, Fabio added flour to reach the consistency he wanted. It is a softer consistency than the pasta dough. I would guess that he added around 1-1/2 to 2 cups of all purpose flour to get the consistency he wanted. After that, he took lemon or tennis ball lumps of the dough, shaped it into cylinders of about 3/4" thick and 10" long and cut them into approximately 3/4" pieces. He used very little flour on the counter and on his hands to keep things from sticking because adding too much flour to the gnocchi makes them heavy.
When cooking the gnocchi (and the pasta) he advises adding olive oil to the pot. With the gnocchi, don't stir them in the pot and, no matter how many are in the pot, scoop them out and drain them all when two or three of them have risen in the water to float. To do otherwise will water-log the gnocchi and make them fall apart.
We got to sample the gnocchi in a marinara sauce. Heavenly.
Fabio spent quite a bit of time answering questions from the room. And then we got an added surprise--door prizes for four of the attendees. We were told to check under our seats and this note is what I found under mine:
Into the Kitchen
Somehow, I missed out on the first two seasons of Top Chef, but then I became a convert. I'm a fan of the Richard Blais, the Voltaggio brothers, Carla Hall, and some of the others, but I was greatly entertained by Fabio Viviani.
Now it happens, that the first time I heard of Fabio and his restaurant out in Moorpark was when William Shatner sang Fabio's praises at one of his charity horse shows and Cafe Firenze provided catering for the event (we didn't have tickets to dinner, sadly.) Then my hairdresser, who lives out in Moorpark, also gave the place a rave. That was about the time Fabio showed up on Top Chef.
After he was on Top Chef, I heard he wasn't at the Moorpark restaurant any longer (that's changed and he is back there) and then I heard he had opened a place in North Hollywood. Lately, he's been hosting Top Chef viewing parties at both restaurants (doing the east coast feed in Moorpark and the west coast feed in North Hollywood.) He's also teaching cooking classes at both places, though, sadly, not hands-on classes. At least, not yet, but he promises they are forthcoming.
Fabio is also an avid tweeter, and I happen to follow him (and a lot of other chefs) on Twitter and Facebook. So I caught the announcement that he would be teaching a pasta and gnocchi class at Firenze Osteria in North Hollywood on February 13. The class was $40/per person or $70 per couple, so I signed up for two, figuring that if Len couldn't go with me, my son Michael or someone else would. Michael lucked out because Len started a class on Sunday.
We got to the restaurant about half an hour ahead of start time, which was good, because there were only two people ahead of us in line and it turned out that seating was first-come, first served, and it was a fairly large group. Women outnumbered men by a factor of about 10 to 1, and there was a huge group of women who all came together, leading me to the obvious conclusion that this celebrity chef has groupies.
Fabio wanted everyone to understand that making pasta is EASY. A egg, some salt, some oil, and some flour in a food processor--that's pasta. Some baked potatoes, an egg, some salt, some nutmeg, some pepper, some flour in a mixer--that's gnocchi. There was also a big emphasis on common sense--I pinch or a hand of some measurement isn't a child's hand or that of Andre the Giant, use a folded towel to take a hot potato out of the oven and the n let it cool off. In tako naprej.
Like most of the Italian and Italian-American cooks I have known, there's less about measuring and much more about taste and feel in his methods. To make pasta, Fabio uses one egg per person and he advises working in batches of no more than four eggs. ("Don't have more than 4 people to dinner!") So for four eggs, add a pinch of salt, a little olive oil, and about 2/3-3/4 cups of all purpose flour in the food processor until a ball is formed. Then knead the dough a little and cut it into several pieces to run through the rollers of a pasta machine. The kneaded dough feels a bit like your earlobe when it is ready to rest. Depending on the type of pasta, either cut it by hand (after rolling up the sheets of dough) or use a pasta machine to cut the noodles.
He advocates the use of the food processor over the hand-mixing method because it is quick and easy. He does recommend giving the dough an opportunity to rest between mixing and rolling.
I remember watching my grandmother rolling out her pasta dough by hand. She made it look so easy, but it is so much faster and easier to use a pasta machine. I love mine.
After Fabio finished making the pasta, we were all served some with a meat sauce. Then it was on to gnocchi.
The rough recipe for gnocchi, which won rave reviews every time he made them on Top Chef, involves baking potatoes, letting them cool, and running them through a meat grinder or a ricer after peeling them. Do not mash them--it give the wrong consistency. It looked like he used about 4 cups of ground, cooked potatoes to 1 egg, two pinches of salt, one pinch of pepper, about a half-teaspoon of nutmeg, and a handful and a half of grated Parmesan. This was mixed with a paddle in a Kitchen-aid mixer.
(There were lots of ooohs and aaahs over the mixer and a number of people were whispering about how expensive they are. I will say that my Kitchen-aid is one of the best investments in the kitchen I ever made, and the one I had before that was one my mother owned for 30 years. I've had my K5A for twenty years now and I expect to leave it to my son. My sister may still own the one our grandmother had.)
After mixing those ingredients together, Fabio added flour to reach the consistency he wanted. It is a softer consistency than the pasta dough. I would guess that he added around 1-1/2 to 2 cups of all purpose flour to get the consistency he wanted. After that, he took lemon or tennis ball lumps of the dough, shaped it into cylinders of about 3/4" thick and 10" long and cut them into approximately 3/4" pieces. He used very little flour on the counter and on his hands to keep things from sticking because adding too much flour to the gnocchi makes them heavy.
When cooking the gnocchi (and the pasta) he advises adding olive oil to the pot. With the gnocchi, don't stir them in the pot and, no matter how many are in the pot, scoop them out and drain them all when two or three of them have risen in the water to float. To do otherwise will water-log the gnocchi and make them fall apart.
We got to sample the gnocchi in a marinara sauce. Heavenly.
Fabio spent quite a bit of time answering questions from the room. And then we got an added surprise--door prizes for four of the attendees. We were told to check under our seats and this note is what I found under mine:
Into the Kitchen
Somehow, I missed out on the first two seasons of Top Chef, but then I became a convert. I'm a fan of the Richard Blais, the Voltaggio brothers, Carla Hall, and some of the others, but I was greatly entertained by Fabio Viviani.
Now it happens, that the first time I heard of Fabio and his restaurant out in Moorpark was when William Shatner sang Fabio's praises at one of his charity horse shows and Cafe Firenze provided catering for the event (we didn't have tickets to dinner, sadly.) Then my hairdresser, who lives out in Moorpark, also gave the place a rave. That was about the time Fabio showed up on Top Chef.
After he was on Top Chef, I heard he wasn't at the Moorpark restaurant any longer (that's changed and he is back there) and then I heard he had opened a place in North Hollywood. Lately, he's been hosting Top Chef viewing parties at both restaurants (doing the east coast feed in Moorpark and the west coast feed in North Hollywood.) He's also teaching cooking classes at both places, though, sadly, not hands-on classes. At least, not yet, but he promises they are forthcoming.
Fabio is also an avid tweeter, and I happen to follow him (and a lot of other chefs) on Twitter and Facebook. So I caught the announcement that he would be teaching a pasta and gnocchi class at Firenze Osteria in North Hollywood on February 13. The class was $40/per person or $70 per couple, so I signed up for two, figuring that if Len couldn't go with me, my son Michael or someone else would. Michael lucked out because Len started a class on Sunday.
We got to the restaurant about half an hour ahead of start time, which was good, because there were only two people ahead of us in line and it turned out that seating was first-come, first served, and it was a fairly large group. Women outnumbered men by a factor of about 10 to 1, and there was a huge group of women who all came together, leading me to the obvious conclusion that this celebrity chef has groupies.
Fabio wanted everyone to understand that making pasta is EASY. A egg, some salt, some oil, and some flour in a food processor--that's pasta. Some baked potatoes, an egg, some salt, some nutmeg, some pepper, some flour in a mixer--that's gnocchi. There was also a big emphasis on common sense--I pinch or a hand of some measurement isn't a child's hand or that of Andre the Giant, use a folded towel to take a hot potato out of the oven and the n let it cool off. In tako naprej.
Like most of the Italian and Italian-American cooks I have known, there's less about measuring and much more about taste and feel in his methods. To make pasta, Fabio uses one egg per person and he advises working in batches of no more than four eggs. ("Don't have more than 4 people to dinner!") So for four eggs, add a pinch of salt, a little olive oil, and about 2/3-3/4 cups of all purpose flour in the food processor until a ball is formed. Then knead the dough a little and cut it into several pieces to run through the rollers of a pasta machine. The kneaded dough feels a bit like your earlobe when it is ready to rest. Depending on the type of pasta, either cut it by hand (after rolling up the sheets of dough) or use a pasta machine to cut the noodles.
He advocates the use of the food processor over the hand-mixing method because it is quick and easy. He does recommend giving the dough an opportunity to rest between mixing and rolling.
I remember watching my grandmother rolling out her pasta dough by hand. She made it look so easy, but it is so much faster and easier to use a pasta machine. I love mine.
After Fabio finished making the pasta, we were all served some with a meat sauce. Then it was on to gnocchi.
The rough recipe for gnocchi, which won rave reviews every time he made them on Top Chef, involves baking potatoes, letting them cool, and running them through a meat grinder or a ricer after peeling them. Do not mash them--it give the wrong consistency. It looked like he used about 4 cups of ground, cooked potatoes to 1 egg, two pinches of salt, one pinch of pepper, about a half-teaspoon of nutmeg, and a handful and a half of grated Parmesan. This was mixed with a paddle in a Kitchen-aid mixer.
(There were lots of ooohs and aaahs over the mixer and a number of people were whispering about how expensive they are. I will say that my Kitchen-aid is one of the best investments in the kitchen I ever made, and the one I had before that was one my mother owned for 30 years. I've had my K5A for twenty years now and I expect to leave it to my son. My sister may still own the one our grandmother had.)
After mixing those ingredients together, Fabio added flour to reach the consistency he wanted. It is a softer consistency than the pasta dough. I would guess that he added around 1-1/2 to 2 cups of all purpose flour to get the consistency he wanted. After that, he took lemon or tennis ball lumps of the dough, shaped it into cylinders of about 3/4" thick and 10" long and cut them into approximately 3/4" pieces. He used very little flour on the counter and on his hands to keep things from sticking because adding too much flour to the gnocchi makes them heavy.
When cooking the gnocchi (and the pasta) he advises adding olive oil to the pot. With the gnocchi, don't stir them in the pot and, no matter how many are in the pot, scoop them out and drain them all when two or three of them have risen in the water to float. To do otherwise will water-log the gnocchi and make them fall apart.
We got to sample the gnocchi in a marinara sauce. Heavenly.
Fabio spent quite a bit of time answering questions from the room. And then we got an added surprise--door prizes for four of the attendees. We were told to check under our seats and this note is what I found under mine: